Bookish Goals and Resolutions

This is a weekly meme created by Broke and Bookish   that is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.


It is hard to think about bookish goals, especially after getting my schedule and syllabus for this semester. Talk about anxiety and stress hitting me like a bulldozer.

1. Complete my 11 year-long book challenges.

I don’t know why I did this to myself but I home to complete them (which I don’t think will happen).

2. Keep competing in Book Battles every month.

I found a book battle facebook group and it is awesome and fun. It also keeps me motivated to read and to keep up with bookstagram.

3. Do better with Bookstagram

I always seem to start off strong and them stop like a week in and I really want to be consistent with it.

4. Read New Adult books.

I want to mix it up a bit and move more into the new adult genre (not that I could ever leave YA).

5. Read all the books that I own.

Since I am on a book buying ban until August, I really want to conquer the task of reading the books I actually own.

6. Catch up on my ARCs.

I need to stop requesting because I have so many, but I am going to try hard to read and review as much as I can!

7. Get better at reviews

I feel like my reviews need a lot of improvement but I just don’t want to spoil books and seem to have trouble finding that middle line between.

8. Read more diverse books

I really want to read more diverse book and especially ones that represent my culture because I don’t see that much. I’m happy that there are so many diverse books that come this year.

9. Clean up my TBR

I have been trying to clean up my TBR and reduce it to a reasonable amount so I am hoping that Down the TBR Hole will help with that.

10. Meet my Goodreads challenge

As of right now it is at 60.


What are your bookish goals?

5 thoughts on “Bookish Goals and Resolutions

  1. I feel like it is hard to find that line sometimes on reviews. Of course, it doesn’t help that some books it just feels like its impossible to rave (or rant) about without spoiling them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hopefully! I’ve even created an excel sheet with all my arcs , books, and ebooks so that I can mark them off as I read them and it makes it easier to have the random number generator choose a book.


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